Do you buy products because of advertising? Do you find advertising persuasive?


I never buy anything because I see it advertised or because it is on sale. I buy what I need and when I need it. I have a friend who continually buys stuff because he has seen it advertised, or because it looks cool or because it is on sale. I don`t think I have ever bought something online because of an advertisement., unless you consider digital coupons on a store`s main site, a store lean visit physically with the coupon, buying because of adverts. Honestly, when 3 see an ad on a site I just assume there is malware, viruses, and other malicious intents on the other end. . I buy things if I need that after reviewing its feedback. People do not like to be bombarded with advertising materials, and because advertisements now appear everywhere, people have developed a negative attitude towards them. And sometimes I face problems with ads. So I cannot say it is so persuasive.

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