Speak about famous people. Why do you think they are famous?


There were hundreds of people throughout the history` who are left in the memories of millions of people. They are Albert Einstein. George Washington, Princess Diana. Margaret Thatcher. Mahatma Gandhi and many others Their impact on the world development cannot be underestimated Most people know Albert Einstein from the picture above their blackboard and only remember that lie was considered to be a very stupid person. Now I am going to speak about Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein is famous for his contributions to science, particularly his genera) and special theories of relativity. He also won the Nobel Prize for discovering the law of the photoelectric effect. Einstein is generally regarded as the greatest mind of the 1900s, with some claiming Shat Einstein`s genius is unprecedented. Although bis childhood performance in the German academic institutions he attended was rather poor. Einstein compensated by developing his natural proclivity for mathematics and science

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