How can you imagine your future after 10 years?


In ten years I w ill be a very successful company manager who tries his best to be the best and become famous. I w ill try my best in order to make big deals with huge companies. Now` I am planning to study business at the American University of Iraq.... In ten years, I can imagine that I w ill be a good traveler who goes from a country to another. I want to see people and their cultures, their lives and behaviors. I w ant to be a man w ho sees things on real not just on TVs and radios. Traveling makes your thinking larger and makes you think in better ways. A company manger is one thing that I will be in ten years. My aims to be a company manager are very simple and clear. One help people, two leave something that makes people remember me when I pass away.

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Книга: Ответы на билеты по английскому языку для 11 класса 2021
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