Speak on the theme “My favourite month”.

My favourite month of the year has to be December because my birthday falls in this month. Winter holidays are on after tough second term unit tests. Its time for rest and holidays. My father takes us out station for our annual holiday. This is one high point of December.
Planning the holiday, booking tickets and hotels to buying new clothes and shoes are good fun.
I like the weather in December. It is not hot nor bone chilling cold like in January. Its pleasant weather. I like to wear sweaters, cardigans and my woollen caps. My mother gives us hot chocolate milk to drink at night if it gets too cold. Though I love to eat ice cream in the cold weather. It tastes better.
My birthday is at the end of the month on 28th. I call my friends to my birthday party. We celebrate by cutting the cake and playing games.
Then it is time to celebrate the New Year. The whole family is together because my brother comes home for his winter holidays. December is my favourite month because my brother comes home after a long six months. We play games, read books and watch movies together.

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Книга: Ответы на билеты по английскому языку для 5 класса 2021
Билет/вопрос: №12

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