What can you do to save energy and nature?


When we make tea and coffee we use energy: gas, electricity and coal. Global warming* comes from energy we use. So each time we make a cup of tea we make a problem for our world. People drink 229 million cups of tea and coffee every day. We should save the energy we use to make tea and coffee. If we want three cups of tea, we should put three cups of water in the kettle. But often we put in five or six cups of water. We use 90

seconds* more for a kettle with three cups than for a kettle with one cup. So each time we use a kettle we should save energy and water
Nature is all around us. We see it every day. It`s the sunset, the sunrise, the song of birds, the blooming of flowers, the wind that blows, etc. These signs are an integral part of our lives. On the one hand we cherish these natural blessings, on the other hand — we don`t appreciate fully their importance. Thus, our future generations can be cut from these treasures. They might see less of natural wonders, because the humanity gradually destroys forests and kills some species of animals. It all happens due to industrial revolution and the growing number of chemical plants. Humans are the only species on our planet that consciously manipulate the environment.
Unfortunately, we are poor leaders in this hierarchy, if we can`t increase the awareness of ecology. People are too self- centered to notice how badly they treat the surrounding environment. For thousands of years they lived in harmony with nature till the development of civilization. They could use the natural riches limitlessly, while today we have to use all the resources sparingly. Pollution is another threat to nature.

Решение №1

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Книга: Ответы на билеты по английскому языку для 7 класса 2021
Билет/вопрос: №26

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