Speak on the theme “Graffiti-street art”.


Most people may consider graffiti and street art as two similar art forms. They are found decorating the buildings and walls of the city streets. There is an element of truth in making this assumption. They are both forms of creative expression found on walls and other parts of the city. However, there are some noteworthy differences between the two. Graffiti is illegal. Graffiti artists usually create at night to hide their activity. Street artopposite to graffiti, is sanctioned by the authorities. Street art has a history of improving and uplifting areas of the town or city. Street artists sign their work with their own names. Graffiti artists hide their work in groups to perform their illegal art.
I think about graffiti is a very interesting art.When people paint they put soul. I hope someday people understand that this is a type of art and not only unnecessary drawings I like graffiti on the big wall, because it Looks like really nice and cool. I can not paint Graffiti at myself, because i’m not very good at art. This art of painting gives more colour to the grey cities, but there are also some places that covered with silly sayings and other stupid thinks.

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Книга: Ответы на билеты по английскому языку для 7 класса 2021
Билет/вопрос: №4

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