What are the steps of successful career planning? Who do you think is a successful person?

The first step to successfully plan your career is to understand your own interests, strengths, weaknesses, and goals. Begin by asking yourself the following questions What do I enjoy doing? What motivates me? What am I good at? What are the things I am bad at? What kind of lifestyle do I want in the fiitnre? What are my personal goals? Who gives tins question to and try to find positive answer for himself, is really successful person. Successful career Planning Steps: 1. Cany out a detailed career research and collect vital information on the careers that interests you the most. 2. Categorize your next career move. Having examined several career paths, it is tune to narrow down the options and focus your attention on any one or two careers. 3. Pinpoint the required qualifications and skills you should have to progress to the next step in your career or to make the move to a fresh career path.
... A successful career plan is a purposeful and orderly method for investigating where you really are in your career, determining wliere you would like to be and then incorporating smart goal setting to reach there. These tips will definitely help you in developing a successful career plan.

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