What is paraphrasing?


Paraphrase is one of three ways of using another writer`s work in your own writing, the other two being quotation and summary. The aim of paraphrasing is to change the wrords in the original text, while keeping the same meaning. Tins is different from quotation, which has the same wrords as wrell as the same meaning. As the words have been changed, a paraphrase should not use quotation marks. Paraplirasmg is presenting ideas and information in your own wrords and acknowledging where they come from. By using your own wrords, you demonstrate your understanding and your ability to convey tins information. Watch tins short video to gain an understanding of the steps involved in paraphrasing and to learn some tips for how to do it effectively. You may find it useful to pause the video at each of the steps so you can read the example text. Key Points Identified in the Video: We have identified 5 steps involved with paraphrasing.

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