Speak about the volunteer activities. How important are they in our life?


Volunteering is about giving your tune to a good cause. You don`t get paid, but you do get the chance to use your talents, develop new skills, and experience the pleasure that comes from making a real difference to other people`s lives, as well as your own. Volunteering is important because volunteer helps the organization to get in touch with the community of its surroundings, integrates employees and contributes to team building, changes the perspective from which the employees in the organization look at it - it becomes not only a place to earn money, but also is a place where the employee may pursue other goals in life; builds a sense of relationship with the employer, under which the employee has the opportunity, along with other socially useful to do something;

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Книга: Ответы на билеты по английскому языку для 11 класса 2021
Билет/вопрос: №22

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