What are the causes of deforestation? Give solutions.


Deforestation can be defined as the removal of a forest with the pmpose of converting this land into non-forest use. After deforestation, the land can now be used for ranches, farms or also for urban piuposes. There are several harmful effects of deforestation on the environmental system. For example, deforestation can cause a loss in biodiversity and can also mduectly contribute to the global wannuig problem Deforestation is a severe cause of global warming smce, after fossil fuel combustion, it is the second-largest anthropogenic source of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is produced in the burning of forest biomass and by the decomposition of plant material. Forests are also a natural carbon sink.
Trees play a vital role in protectmg our environment in several ways. Fewer forests mean that the sustainability of our planet earth is endangered. So far, there are actions and measures that are bemg undertaken to curtail deforestation, a move towards saving our natural environment and repairing the damage that has been caused for more than a century. The quickest solution would be to just stop the cuttmg down of trees.

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