Билет №19, задание №3


Making mistakes always made me grow and learn something from them. Of course, they sometimes embarrassed me and I decided not to make mistakes any more, but making mistakes is very humane. Making mistakes is part of being human. Still, wre`re often troubled by our mistakes, even when we remember that many mistakes turn out to be great gifts. So If I do any mistake in my life I try to calm down myself and admit them anyway. I do a mental triage to assess how serious the mistake is, the people it affects, and how soon it needs to get fixed.... If I do not act quickly, and put off tending to the problem, it will only make me feel more stressed, and the problem could get bigger with the passing of tune. Tlunk about solutions. Start thinking about solutions.

Решение №1

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Книга: Ответы на билеты по английскому языку для 11 класса 2021
Билет/вопрос: №19

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