Have you ever read a fiction book in English? What is your leaning from it?

Fiction help you understand people and their individual back stories, motivations, and relationships with others. Novels with especially intricate characterization, such as Stephen King`s The Shining, force you to take a step back and identify why people do the things they do. Commentary` from the author and other characters in the book allows you to take a rare loo into someone`s mind and their personal truths, and understanding how people feel and react to certain situations. It is useful when communicating in your daily life.
When reading novels, readers are often less judgmental to characters as we continue to learn about their struggles. Usually, we end up sympathizing with the protagonist because we feel as both of ns have gone on an emotional journey together through the whole book. I feel that if we were this patient when communicating and interacting with people in our everyday lives, then we would be a more understanding and empathetic community.

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Книга: Ответы на билеты по английскому языку для 11 класса 2021
Билет/вопрос: №11

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