Do you like travelling and why?

I like travelling. On summer holiday we travel all around Uzbekistan with my family. We enjoy travelling to historical cities of Uzbekistan. We often navel by car. But sometimes we travel by train or plane. They are much faster means of transport and you arrive your destination quite early. Last year we visited to Bukhara and Khiva. These cities are very famous. Especially historical buildings are very attractive I really like visting Ichan kala in Khiva. You can find a lot of well-kept historical buddings. You feel yourself as if you are previous centuries. We are also planning to visit other countries This year our destination will be Kazakhstan. I really look forward to seeing Ahmad Yassaviy monument there. I really enjoy travelling. I think every person time by time should travel to different places. It really helps them to recover their energy and get new impressions

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Книга: Ответы на билеты по английскому языку для 11 класса 2021
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