Did you find a similar character to yourself while you were reading a book? Describe.


Tobias Eaton Four from the Divergent Series. No, I look nothing Idee Theo James lol. I see this character as Brave, honest, smart, strong and independent. However, he can also be cold and find it difficult to trust others with a troubled past. Which I don`t particularly relate to. but that is his character. The book Four, focused on his story7, is one of my favourite books. 576 views. Sponsored by Power Thesaurus ... Thisl real life character portrayed beautifully in the film strikes deep into die heart. Tire reason i find it very similar to myself and my life is that I somewhere m my heart want to be like him. I so desperately want my life to be like bis. I feel education is highly over rated.

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Книга: Ответы на билеты по английскому языку для 11 класса 2021
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