What are you doing nowadays to be successful in the future?

We should understand that our success in the future depends on what we w ill do in the future, and not on what we did in our teenage years. It`s bullshit that people set themselves
common belief. ... The progress check whether a teenager is successful is doable to the extent the concerned person is clear on what he or she wants to do. The measures can be worked upon as task list to monitor progress. One has to have focus and give ones best or more than the best to be successful. I am studying at the moment so I will have my degree for sure by then. Although, my main goal is to get a bachelor degree and to be specialist in my profession. As you can see I am not nearly done with studying yet. I think If I am stable in my plans, I will definitely achieve my goals and be successful.

Решение №1

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Книга: Ответы на билеты по английскому языку для 11 класса 2021
Билет/вопрос: №3

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