Describe your ideal job.


For me, the ideal job that I would like to have is to be an air hostess.
This job involves taking care of customers on planes, serving food and drinks, and making sure that they have a safe flight. One special thing is this career is open to both men and women, although women are preferred.
There are many reasons why I think this job would suit me. Firstly, I have a passion for traveling. Taking this job, I could travel to many countries on a regular basis. Occasionally, when I have free time between flights, I would be able to go sightseeing and enjoy a variety of local food. Secondly, I have quite a good command of English and French, which are spoken by the majority of people around the world. Therefore, this would help me a lot if I could get this job. Lastly, I am really interested in talking with others. So, I believe that this job is perfect for me since I would meet hundreds of people every day. As a final point, I hope that I can follow my dream career in the future.

Решение №1

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Книга: Ответы на билеты по английскому языку для 9 класса 2021
Билет/вопрос: №29

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