What kind of company/industry can you establish in your area?


There are four types of industry. These are primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary.
Primary industry involves getting raw materials e.g. mining, farming and fishing. Secondary industry involves manufacturing e.g. making cars and steel.
Tertiary industries provide a service e.g. teaching and nursing.
Quaternary industry involves research and development industries e.g. IT.
I prefer tertiary industries. Because they provide a service. You work with people and you help them with their problems. Nowadays, we need more companies which offers teaching and nursing. For example, education centers help us to improve our knowledge and find better jobs in our field. If you are qualified, and have knowledge on some field you can easily find better jobs. In order to improve emp loyees’ knowledge and educate people I will run education center. This field is in need in our country. It reduces unemployment and has a lot of advantages.

Решение №1

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Книга: Ответы на билеты по английскому языку для 9 класса 2021
Билет/вопрос: №17

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