Speak about the political systems of the USA and UK. Compare.

Formally the USA is a Federal Republic, while the UK is parliamentary monarchy. In practice, this means the USA has an elected head of state (The President) who has real powers, while the UK has a hereditary monarch (The King or Queen), who has virtually no power but a lot of symbolism. In the UK executive power is wielded by a Prime Minister who is directly answerable to Parliament and in practice has to command a majority in the elected House of Commons.
The legislature in the UK (Parliament) consists of two houses, one of which has almost unlimited power (the House of Commons) while the other is appointed (with a few residual hereditary members elected from their own number) and has only limited powers to delay and revise legislation. In the US there are two house of the legislature (Congress), both of which are elected and have co-equal power to propose and reject legislation

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