Speak on the theme “How to choose a profession”.

One of the most difficult decisions in our life is choosing what to do for a living when we grow up. Finishing school means starting independent lives and choosing one of the roads: a technical school or a university. Starting our life with a right profession is very important because the future of young people depends on this choice. That is why they must choose it with utmost care analyzing all pros and cons. Besides our friends and older relatives can influence our choice or just give a good piece of advice.
In our modern fast paced world there are plenty of new interesting and socially important professions. The future profession must not be boring for us. It should suit your interests and your features of character. You might choose working indoors or outdoors, dealing with people or just with papers. In other words you should enjoy the work you do. It should also satisfy your career plans and professional ambitions. It should provide us with a chance of professional growth and personal development.

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