What is the relationship between music preferences and personality?

Every culture makes music. Musical instruments are amongst the oldest man-made objects ever found. For example, there are flutes around 37,000 years old and perhaps even older! Scientists have recently discovered that music affects many parts of our brain very deeply. Try to sing `Happy Birthday` or any song you like and you will understand. Music gets under your skin. It creates strong feelings and memories. How does it make you feel? The more we learn about music, the more we will be able to say what we want to say in music. In other words, the more we learn about music, the more we will be able to say things that we cannot say in words. Children`s brains are developing. That means children are much more ready to hear new things than adults. Many adults think that certain types of music (for example, classical music) are not for children. In fact, the opposite is often true. If an adult has not heard a particular type of music in childhood, then they will not normally like that music as an adult. The more types of music children hear, the more types of music they will like as adults and the more they will listen to.And the more types of music they will listen to, the more they will understand about the essential language of music itself!

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