Speak about the quotes. What is your motivational quote?

Quotation is the repetition or copy of someone else`s statement or thoughts.
You learn more from failure than from success. The best motivation quotes to help you keep going when you might want to give up. Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life. This is why I find them so interesting and crucial on our paths to success. So what`s their secret? You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens to you. When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life, sometimes instantly. Just as positive words can make someone smile or a well-timed humorous quote can make someone laugh, our thoughts react to the world in real-time.
You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking - and that`s where motivational quotes come in. And one of my best motivational quotes is “Believe in yourself` because When You believe yourself then you will achieve your goals.

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