Speak on the theme “Volunteer works”.


Volunteering is about giving your time to a good cause. You don`t get paid, but you do get the chance to use your talents, develop new skills, and experience the pleasure that comes from making a real difference to other people`s lives, as well as your own.
Volunteering functions:
■ helps the organization to get in touch with the community of its surroundings;
■ integrates employees and contributes to team building;
■ changes the perspective from which the employees in the organization look at it - it becomes not only a place to earn money, but also is a place where the employee may pursue other goals in life;
■ builds a sense of relationship with the employer, under which the employee has the opportunity, along with other socially useful to do something;

Решение №1

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Книга: Ответы на билеты по английскому языку для 8 класса 2021
Билет/вопрос: №4

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