Choose the sentence which best gives the meaning of the given one ...

37. Choose the sentence which best gives the meaning of the given one.Mother is afraid she has lost her keys.
A) Mother always loses her keys.
B) Mother thinks that her keys have been lost.
C) Mother is worried in case she loses her keys.
D) Mother lost her keys and she's afraid to tell anyone.
E) When mother is afraid she always loses her keys.

Ответ: B



Мама боится, что потеряла ключи.


Mother always loses her keys = мама всегда теряет ключи.

Mother thinks that her keys have been lost = мама полагает, что ее ключи потерялись.

Mother is worried in case she loses her keys = мама беспокоится на случай, если потеряет ключи.

Mother lost her keys and she's afraid to tell anyone = мама потеряла ключи и боится сказать кому-нибудь.

When mother is afraid she always loses her keys = когда мама боится, она всегда теряет ключи.

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