Choose the statement that has the same meaning as the given one.O ...

47. Choose the statement that has the same meaning as the given one.On Saturdays John would watch people get money at the bank in exchange for documents.
A) When free, John would rather walk to the bank to watch people.
B) On his days off John used to keep an eye on quick exchange of bills at the bank.
C) The people in the bank watched John get money.
D) On weekdays John would go to the bank and meet with people.
E) John would rather stay at home than go to the bank.

Ответ: B



По субботам Джон наблюдал как люди получают деньги в банке взамен документов.


When free, John would rather walk to the bank to watch people = в свободное время Джон предпочитает ходить в банк наблюдать за людьми

On his days off John used to keep an eye on quick exchange of bills at the bank = в выходные Джон наблюдал за быстрым обменом счетов в банке

The people in the bank watched John get money = люди в банке наблюдали как Джон получал деньги

On weekdays John would go to the bank and meet with people = в будние дни Джон ходил в банк и встречался с людьми

John would rather stay at home than go to the bank = Джон предпочитает оставаться дома, чем идти в банк.

Категория: Чтение, понимание содержания
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