Choose the proper question to the sentence or text.One day the ol ...

4. Choose the proper question to the sentence or text.One day the old man was going to the shop to buy food.
A) Who was going to the shop?
B) Was the old man going to the shop?
C) Where is the old man going?
D) For what is the old man going?
E) Where and why was the old man going once?

Ответ: E



Однажды старик шел в магазин купить еды.


Who was going to the shop? = Кто шел в магазин?

Was the old man going to the shop? = Старик шел в магазин?

Where is the old man going? = Куда идет старик?

For what is the old man going? = Зачем идет старик?

Where and why was the old man going once? = Куда и зачем однажды шел старик?

Категория: Общее развитие, логика
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