Choose the sentence which best gives the meaning of the given one ...

60. Choose the sentence which best gives the meaning of the given one.I can't help feeling sorry for her.
A) I find it impossible not to feel sorry for her.
B) I wish I could feel sorry for her.
C) It doesn't help to feel sorry for her.
D) That's a pity she feels like that.
E) I'm afraid I can not help her.

Ответ: A



Я не могу не жалеть ее.


I find it impossible not to feel sorry for her = я считаю невозможным не жалеть ее;

I wish I could feel sorry for her = хотел бы я, чтобы я мог жалеть ее;

It doesn't help to feel sorry for her = то, что я жалею ее, не помогает;

That's a pity she feels like that = жаль, что она чувствует себя так;

I'm afraid I can not help her = боюсь, что я не могу ей помочь.

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